Alright, listen up, you young whippersnappers! You wanna know how to check them Pokey-mans’ levels in that Pokey-man Go game? It ain’t rocket science, I tell ya. Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy gadgets. We just knew! But fine, I’ll spill the beans.

First off, you gotta look at that half-circle thingy above your Pokey-man’s head when you’re lookin’ at its info. You know, the screen where it shows its picture and all that. That half-circle, that there’s the level, kinda sorta. If that white dot is all the way to the right, well, then your Pokey-man’s as high as it can go for your level. Makes sense, right? Like fillin’ a bucket, can’t put more water in if it’s already full.
Now, that half-circle ain’t gonna give you a number, no sir. It just gives you an idea. It’s like lookin’ at a cow and guessin’ how much milk it’ll give. You can get close, but you don’t know for sure.
- If the dot is on the left, your Pokey-man’s a young’un.
- If it’s in the middle, well, it’s middlin’.
- If it’s on the right, it’s a big fella, ready to rumble.
But if you wanna know the exact level, you gotta use one of them fancy apps. I hear tell of somethin’ called PokeGenie. Folks say it can tell you the exact level. I ain’t used it myself, mind you, I’m too old for that stuff. But the young’uns seem to like it. They say every time you power up your Pokey-man twice, it goes up a level. And the highest level your Pokey-man can be is your level plus ten. So, if you’re a level twenty trainer, your Pokey-man can be a level thirty at most. That’s what I hear, anyway.
You see, in the old days, we didn’t have no CP or HP or none of that. We just knew if a Pokey-man was strong or not. But now, these young’uns, they need numbers for everything. They gotta see the CP, the HP, and now the level. It’s all too much, if you ask me. But hey, that’s how the world is now, I guess.
So, to recap, you can eyeball that half-circle thing to get a rough idea of the level. Or, you can use that PokeGenie app to get the exact number. Either way, it ain’t gonna make your Pokey-man any stronger. You still gotta train it, feed it berries, and battle with it. That’s the real way to make a Pokey-man strong, not just lookin’ at numbers.
And don’t forget, those team leaders, they can tell you about your Pokey-man’s Attack and Defense and stuff like that. They call it “Appraising.” It’s not the level, but it tells you how good your Pokey-man is at fightin’. It’s like lookin’ at a horse’s legs and teeth, you know? You can tell if it’s a good worker or not. Same thing with Pokey-mans.
So there you have it. That’s how you check them Pokey-man levels, according to what I’ve heard. Now go on, get outta here and catch ’em all, or whatever it is you young’uns do these days.
Remember, it ain’t just about the level, it’s about how you train your Pokey-man, and how much you love it. Just like raisin’ chickens, gotta give ’em good food and lots of care, and they’ll grow up strong and healthy.

Tags: [Pokemon Level, Pokemon GO, Check Pokemon Level, PokeGenie, Trainer Level, Pokemon Stats]