Okay, so today I wanted to mess around with something I haven’t touched in a while – the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Specifically, the Sun and Moon Crimson Invasion expansion. I used to collect these cards as a kid, and I figured it would be fun to revisit them and see what’s what.

First, I dug out my old card binder. It was dusty, but man, it brought back memories! I carefully flipped through the pages, admiring the artwork. I realized I didn’t have many from the Crimson Invasion set, so I decided to do a little online research to see the full card list.
I found a fan-made site that listed all the cards in that expansion set, so I started going through each set to see the cards. Then I start to find out all the rare cards and ultra rare cards, and GX cards.
Find out all GX cards
- Gyarados-GX
- Alolan Golem-GX
- Buzzwole-GX
- Guzzlord-GX
- Kartana-GX
- Nihilego-GX
- Silvally-GX
- Alolan Exeggutor-GX
After browsing the online list, I made a list of the cards I already owned. Not too bad, but definitely a lot of gaps. I spent a good chunk of time cross-referencing my binder with the online list. It was kind of relaxing, in a weird way.
Finally, I started thinking about maybe trying to complete the set. It’s a long shot, but it could be a fun little project. I could check out local card shops, maybe browse online marketplaces. We’ll see. It’s not a huge priority, but it’s a nice thought to have in the back of my mind.
Anyway, that’s how I spent a few hours today. It was a nice little trip down memory lane, and it got me thinking about maybe picking up this hobby again. Who knows, maybe I’ll actually try to fill in those missing cards from my Crimson Invasion collection.