You see, this Palkia raid, it’s a big thing, you know? Everybody’s talking ’bout it. Gotta catch that big fella, that Palkia. Big and strong, that one. Heard some folks talkin’, sayin’ it’s a real tough one to beat. This Palkia, I tell ya, is a real strong Pokemon!

I heard some young’uns talkin’ ’bout somethin’ called “CP.” They say Palkia has a whole lot of it. Must be important, right? High CP, that’s what ya want, they say. Makes ’em stronger, I reckon. I don’t know what that means, just like when they say what you want with a big number for your Palkia raid!
And moves! Oh, they talk about these moves like they’re some kinda magic spells. Palkia has some good ones, I hear. Powerful ones, that’ll knock your socks off. You want good moves, make sure your pokemon has moves, lots of them to use in a Palkia raid. If you don’t, well, you won’t catch that Palkia!
Now, they say this Palkia is a “Legendary Raid Boss.” Sounds fancy, don’t it? Just means it’s a real tough cookie to crack. You gotta be prepared, they say. You need to go and get ready if you want to win a Palkia raid. You need to know how to win, know how to beat it. They say you need to know how to “defeat” it.
I heard them sayin’ you gotta know its weaknesses. Every critter’s got a weakness, you know? Even that big, strong Palkia. You find its weakness and you got it! To win a Palkia raid, you need to know what it is bad at. Use the right things and you can beat it.
And these “counters,” they talk about. Sounds like somethin’ you’d put on your kitchen table. But no, it’s somethin’ else. It’s about findin’ the right Pokemon to fight against Palkia. Gotta have the right ones, or you’re gonna have a tough time. Use the right ones for the Palkia raid, and you just might win. Use the wrong one and you lose for sure!
So, to get this Palkia, you gotta be smart. You gotta know what you’re doin’. It ain’t gonna be easy, that’s for sure. But if you listen to them folks who know about these things, you might just have a chance. It ain’t gonna be easy winning a Palkia raid, but if you do it right, you can win.
Some folks say somethin’ about a “Flutter Mane.” Sounds like a hair thing. Maybe for a horse. This is a Pokemon, they say, and a good one for the Palkia raid. I don’t know nothin’ about that, just what I hear. Some Pokemon are good to use. Some ain’t. This one, they say is good.
- Flutter Mane, use it on Palkia raid.
- Koraidon, good for Dialga.
- Arboliva, good for helpin’.
And another one called “Koraidon.” Now that sounds like a strong name. This one is good for something called “Dialga” they say. That’s another one of these Pokemon things. Just remember, Koraidon, good for Dialga. Use it if you are doin’ a Palkia raid.

They say you gotta “spam” somethin’ called “Outrage.” Sounds rude, don’t it? But I guess it’s a powerful move. And you gotta wear an “Assault Vest.” Sounds like you’re goin’ to war! I guess these raids are kinda like a little war, ain’t they? Gotta be prepared, like I said. Just spam Outrage, they say, for the Palkia raid.
Then there’s this “Arboliva” thing. Sounds like somethin’ you’d eat. But they say it helps. Guess it’s a good one to have on your team. Every little bit helps, right? Especially when you’re tryin’ to catch somethin’ as tough as Palkia. I heard it helps in a Palkia raid. I don’t know how.
And this “Mega Evolution” thing. Makes your Pokemon big and strong, I reckon. Like feedin’ ’em lots of good food. They say you need a “Mega Rayquaza.” That’s a mouthful, ain’t it? But it’s a strong one, they say. Good for catchin’ Palkia. You need this for the Palkia raid. It makes things strong, so use it!
This Rayquaza, it’s got somethin’ called “Dragon and Flying typing.” Sounds like it can fly around and breathe fire, maybe. I don’t know. But it’s important, they say. Gotta have the right type to beat that Palkia. It’s good for the Palkia raid, they say. Use the right one and you might win!
So, you see, this Palkia raid ain’t no walk in the park. It’s hard! You gotta be prepared. You gotta know your stuff. You gotta have the right Pokemon, the right moves, the right everything. But if you do it right, you might just catch that big ol’ Palkia. And wouldn’t that be somethin’?
Just remember what I told ya. And listen to them folks who know about these things. They might sound like they’re talkin’ a different language sometimes, but they know what they’re doin’. If you want to win a Palkia raid, listen to them. If you don’t, you won’t win! And you want to win, right? That’s what I thought. So get ready. And good luck!