Okay, so, I was browsing through my collection and I stumbled upon this card, the Mega Scizor EX 77/122. It got me thinking about how much I actually knew about this particular card, and well, not much.
So I started digging around. It turns out, Scizor has been around for a while in the Pok�mon Trading Card Game. It showed up first in the Neo Discovery set. I guess over the years, it’s been on like, 24 different cards or something. Most times it is either a Metal-type or a Grass-type, and usually a Stage 1 Pok�mon.
Finding Out the Worth
Then I got curious about the value of this Mega Scizor EX card I have. I checked some places, and it looks like an Unlimited Holo version in near mint condition could be worth around 5.03. Not too shabby, right?
- I added the card to my collection tracker.
- I also looked up the price history. Pretty cool to see how it changed over time.
- And I saw some graded and ungraded values, just to get a better picture.
It was a fun little trip down memory lane, going through my collection and learning more about this Mega Scizor EX card. It’s not just about the money value, but also the history behind these cards that makes collecting so interesting. I guess you never really know what you might find when you start looking.