Well, let me tell you about this shiny card, this mega gardevoir ex 106/160. My grandson, he’s all crazy about these Pokemon things. He showed me this one, all sparkly and whatnot. Said it’s a real special one, this mega thingamajig.

This gardevoir, it’s a pretty one, I guess. All white and pink, looks like a fancy lady in a big dress. This one, it says 106 out of 160. I don’t know what that means, but my grandson says it’s like, you know, a number in a big set. Like when you collect them all, you got 160. This one’s number 106. And he keeps on sayin’ it’s from somethin’ called Primal Clash. Sounds like a ruckus, if you ask me.
He says when you play this game, and this Pokemon, this mega gardevoir ex, gets knocked out, the other fella gets two prizes. Two! Can you believe it? Sounds like a raw deal to me. Back in my day, you got one prize for winning, not two for losing.
- This card, it’s a rare one, he says.
- Ultra rare, he kept saying.
- Means it’s hard to find, I guess.
- Like finding a four-leaf clover in a whole field.
And this mega evolution thing, it’s like when your regular Pokemon gets all powered up. Like when you feed your chickens extra corn, they get all big and strong. This gardevoir, it becomes a mega one, and it’s tougher, I suppose.
My grandson, he’s always going on about the price of these cards. He says this mega gardevoir ex 106/160, it’s worth some money. Heard him talking about $5, maybe more, sometimes even higher amounts that made my head spin! $305 someone was talkin’ about. For a piece of cardboard! Back in my day, we didn’t have money to throw around like that. I don’t know where he’s gettin’ these numbers.
He showed me on his little computer, there’s places where folks buy and sell these things. He calls it a marketplace, like the one down by the river where we sell eggs. But this one’s online, whatever that means. They’ve got these little symbols and letters on there, like NM, Mint, Holo. He says it is how good the card looks, like if it’s all bent up or if it’s shiny.
This one here, it says it’s from that Primal Clash thing. Primal Clash 106/160. He says it’s part of a set, like I said before. Guess folks collect these things, like how I used to collect buttons. But buttons you could use for something. These cards, you just look at them, far as I can tell.
He was talkin’ about some place called “Collector’s Cache” or whatever. They sell these cards, and they ship ’em. Shipping a card, can you imagine? We used to just walk over to someone’s house if we wanted to trade something. These young folks, they got it easy.
There’s another place he was lookin’ at that’s only for folks in Europe. That’s a long way away! He’s not buying it from there, I hope. Shipping would cost more than the card itself, I bet. He was mumblin’ about MGardevoir EX, PRC 106. I don’t know what any of those letters mean. Just sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me. Some kinda secret code, maybe. He says it’s another way people talk about this same card.

- It’s all very confusing, this Pokemon stuff.
- But it makes him happy, so I try to understand.
- Kids these days, they got all these fancy things.
- We just had sticks and rocks, and we were happy.
Anyway, that’s what I know about this mega gardevoir ex 106/160. It’s a card, it’s shiny, it’s worth some money, apparently. And it makes my grandson happy. That’s all that really matters, I reckon. Just wish he’d come outside and help me with the chores once in a while instead of staring at these cards all day.
Well, I gotta go check on the chickens. They’re probably wondering where their supper is. Hope this was helpful. If you have a kid into this Pokemon stuff, this card is a big deal I guess. Now, if you want to know about raising chickens, that is somethin’ I know a lot about!