Okay, here’s the blog post about my experience working with the “Incredibles” screenplay, written in the style you requested:

So, I got this idea the other day, right? I wanted to mess around with the “Incredibles” screenplay. Just for kicks, see what I could do with it. I mean, who doesn’t love that movie? First things first, I needed to get my hands on that script. I searched around online, and found a PDF version. Nice! Downloaded it, opened it up.
Now, I’m no fancy programmer or anything. Just a regular guy who likes to tinker. My first thought was, “Can I clean this up a bit?” You know, format it, maybe extract some info like character lines or scene descriptions. So, I start with copying the whole thing into a plain text file. Got rid of all that PDF formatting garbage. A good start.
Then, I thought, “Let’s see who talks the most.” I started playing around with the text. I found that I could divide the script up by character name, which was usually in all caps before their dialogue. So, I separated the dialogue into each character. This took a long time, I was doing it manually with copy and paste.
I found out who spoke the most.
- Mr. Incredible: He had a lot to say.
- Elastigirl: She was a close second.
- Syndrome: Not many lines, but he sure made them count!
After that, I wanted to see if I could get the scene descriptions. Those were usually in italics. Easy enough to spot, but a pain to manually pull out one by one. I did manage to get a good chunk of them, but it was tedious work. I only did it for the first few scenes, to be honest.
In the end, I got a list of scene descriptions, and a count of each character’s dialogue. Was it groundbreaking? Nope. Was it a fun little project? You bet. Learned a bit about the movie and a bit about messing with text files. I’m planning to do this with more scripts.
This whole thing reminded me of something I read online once, about encoding problems with URLs. How the “%” symbol gets all messed up. It’s like, the internet can be a weird place. It can get stuck or stalled, like what happened to me when I was messing with the script.
And the movie itself, it’s all about hidden talents, right? Like those scientists who figure out how to fix DNA. Locating and repairing incorrect sequences. Maybe that’s what I was doing in a way, with the script. Finding the interesting bits and pulling them out. Anyway, that’s my little story. Hope you enjoyed it!