That Garth Ennis, he sure knows how to spin a yarn about that James Bond fella. You know, that spy guy, the one with all them fancy gadgets and that there car. Heard he’s gettin’ a new story, and this Ennis fella is writin’ it. Sounds interestin’, I reckon.
This James Bond, he’s a big shot, ain’t he? Always in some kinda trouble, always with the ladies. They say he’s missin’ in this new story. Gone! Poof! Like a fart in the wind. Imagine that. The big hero, just vanished. Makes ya wonder, don’t it?
They say this Ennis fella, he wrote some other things too. Somethin’ called “Preacher” and “The Boys.” Never heard of ’em, but folks seem to like ’em. He must be good at tellin’ stories, I guess, to be writin’ about James Bond.
Now, this James Bond, he ain’t no ordinary fella. They say he’s got a scar, right on his cheek. A long one, too. Makes him look tough, I suppose. And blue eyes, like the sky on a clear day. They call his mouth “cruel.” Don’t know about that, but he sure does get the job done, from what I hear.
This whole thing started with some other writer, name of Ian Fleming. He’s the one who made up James Bond in the first place. Wrote a whole bunch of books about him, they did. Now, this new lady, Kim somethin’ is writin’ some James Bond stuff. They say she’s gonna write three whole books about other spy fellas, not just James Bond. Good for her. Us ladies gotta stick together. But this Garth Ennis, he’s just doin’ one James Bond story, I reckon.
So, James Bond is missin’, and there’s these new spies runnin’ around. Sounds like a right mess, don’t it? But I bet it’ll be excitin’. All that spyin’ and shootin’ and whatnot. Keeps ya on the edge of your seat, I imagine.
- James Bond missin’
- New spy fellas
- Garth Ennis writin’
- That Ian Fleming started it all
I ain’t never read one of them James Bond books myself. Too busy with the chickens and the garden, you know. But I hear folks talkin’ about ’em all the time. They must be somethin’ special, to get all that attention.
This Garth Ennis fella, workin’ with another fella, name of Lobosco. They are makin’ somethin’ for Dynamite. Whatever that is. Sounds dangerous. Maybe they should be careful. These James Bond stories, they’re always full of danger and loud noise.
They say this Garth Ennis is gonna write about the James Bond from them old books. The Ian Fleming ones. Not the fancy new ones. The real deal, I guess you could say. Maybe he will write about all that vodka or the cars again.
So, if you like them James Bond stories, you might wanna keep an eye out for this new one by Garth Ennis. Sounds like it’s gonna be a wild ride. Just be careful, though. All that spy stuff can be dangerous. You don’t wanna go gettin’ mixed up in anythin’ like that.
This James Bond fella, he’s somethin’ else. Always in some kinda trouble or another. But he always gets out of it, somehow. That’s what they say, anyway. Maybe this Garth Ennis story will tell how.
Well, I best be gettin’ back to my chores. Them chickens ain’t gonna feed themselves, you know. But you keep your ears open for that new James Bond story. Might be worth a listen, who knows. That Garth Ennis is one busy fella.
Just remember what I said. Be careful with them spy stories. They can be a bit much for some folks. But if you like that kinda thing, then more power to ya. Maybe this Garth Ennis and James Bond thing will be good. I don’t know. I’ve got weeds to pull.